About I Mime I Director I Movement Therapist I Physical Acting Coach I Teacher I Artist in Residence Programs
A residency is so much fun for teachers, students and the community! Michael shares the physical poetry of mime in so many ways - rigorous and intense daily classes with theatre students culminating in a public performance, workshops for all ages and community theater troupes, classroom assemblies for elementary students. This program has successfully run in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, California and Texas!
“Wow, what a productive workshop you gave tonight!! That worked great tonight when you only had the two hours! I was so pleased. I always am so much closer to casting after your workshops. I have seen so much growth in them since the first night--it's unbelievable. And tonight was a big night! Thank you.”
~ Janet Hegman Shier, Univ. of Michigan German Theatre
“Your production was outstanding and the kids loved your workshop. Your willingness to share your work, talent and experience with the kids is so important to inspire them to higher standards.”
~ Rick Osann, Maine EdTA, HS Theatre teacher
Michael Lee Mime